help() | Obtain documentation for a given R command |
example() | View some examples on the use of a command |
c(), scan() | Enter data manually to a vector in R |
seq() | Make arithmetic progression vector |
rep() | Make vector of repeated values |
data() | Load (often into a data.frame) built-in dataset |
View() | View dataset in a spreadsheet-type format |
str() | Display internal structure of an R object |
read.csv(), read.table() | Load into a data.frame an existing data file |
library(), require() | Make available an R add-on package |
dim() | See dimensions (# of rows/cols) of data.frame |
length() | Give length of a vector |
ls() | Lists memory contents |
rm() | Removes an item from memory |
names() | Lists names of variables in a data.frame |
hist() | Command for producing a histogram |
histogram() | Lattice command for producing a histogram |
stem() | Make a stem plot |
table() | List all values of a variable with frequencies |
xtabs() | Cross-tabulation tables using formulas |
mosaicplot() | Make a mosaic plot |
cut() | Groups values of a variable into larger bins |
mean(), median() | Identify “center” of distribution |
by() | apply function to a column split by factors |
summary() | Display 5-number summary and mean |
var(), sd() | Find variance, sd of values in vector |
sum() | Add up all values in a vector |
quantile() | Find the position of a quantile in a dataset |
barplot() | Produces a bar graph |
barchart() | Lattice command for producing bar graphs |
boxplot() | Produces a boxplot |
bwplot() | Lattice command for producing boxplots |
help() | Obtain documentation for a given R command |
example() | View some examples on the use of a command |
c(), scan() | Enter data manually to a vector in R |
seq() | Make arithmetic progression vector |
rep() | Make vector of repeated values |
data() | Load (often into a data.frame) built-in dataset |
View() | View dataset in a spreadsheet-type format |
str() | Display internal structure of an R object |
read.csv(), read.table() | Load into a data.frame an existing data file |
library(), require() | Make available an R add-on package |
dim() | See dimensions (# of rows/cols) of data.frame |
length() | Give length of a vector |
ls() | Lists memory contents |
rm() | Removes an item from memory |
names() | Lists names of variables in a data.frame |
hist() | Command for producing a histogram |
histogram() | Lattice command for producing a histogram |
stem() | Make a stem plot |
table() | List all values of a variable with frequencies |
xtabs() | Cross-tabulation tables using formulas |
mosaicplot() | Make a mosaic plot |
cut() | Groups values of a variable into larger bins |
mean(), median() | Identify “center” of distribution |
by() | apply function to a column split by factors |
summary() | Display 5-number summary and mean |
var(), sd() | Find variance, sd of values in vector |
sum() | Add up all values in a vector |
quantile() | Find the position of a quantile in a dataset |
barplot() | Produces a bar graph |
barchart() | Lattice command for producing bar graphs |
boxplot() | Produces a boxplot |
bwplot() | Lattice command for producing boxplots |
plot() | Produces a scatterplot |
xyplot() | Lattice command for producing a scatterplot |
lm() | Determine the least-squares regression line |
anova() | Analysis of variance (can use on results of lm()) |
predict() | Obtain predicted values from linear model |
nls() | estimate parameters of a nonlinear model |
residuals() | gives (observed - predicted) for a model fit to data |
sample() | take a sample from a vector of data |
replicate() | repeat some process a set number of times |
cumsum() | produce running total of values for input vector |
ecdf() | builds empirical cumulative distribution function |
dbinom(), etc. | tools for binomial distributions |
dpois(), etc. | tools for Poisson distributions |
pnorm(), etc. | tools for normal distributions |
qt(), etc. | tools for student t distributions |
pchisq(), etc. | tools for chi-square distributions |
binom.test() | hypothesis test and confidence interval for 1 proportion |
prop.test() | inference for 1 proportion using normal approx. |
chisq.test() | carries out a chi-square test |
fisher.test() | Fisher test for contingency table |
t.test() | student t test for inference on population mean |
qqnorm(), qqline() | tools for checking normality |
addmargins() | adds marginal sums to an existing table |
prop.table() | compute proportions from a contingency table |
par() | query and edit graphical settings |
power.t.test() | power calculations for 1- and 2-sample t |
anova() | compute analysis of variance table for fitted model |
19 October 2016
List of useful R commands
Here I present some simple commands that can be used in R. Share and Subscribe to Sulthan Academy via Email for more interesting updates. Share with your friends. Thank you. You can download the PDF