31 October 2016

Future Value Formula - explained

10003 FV

Future value is nothing but the measure of nominal value of money / asset at a specific time in future. This idea that an amount today is worth a different amount than at a future time is based on the time value of money. The time value of money is the concept that an amount received earlier is worth more than if the same amount is received at a later time.

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29 October 2016

PSPP : Free alternative for SPSS

Data analysis software SPSS is very popular among social science researchers. It provides various modules for the analysts but the problem is it comes with a big price tag. From Descriptive statistics to complex sampling, bootstrapping, SEM IBM offers pay per person per year plan this means your licence for using the software is valid for just one year and you have to pay for the following year. The product pricing for IBM SPSS is shown here:
Not every individual is able to afford SPSS. So, here I suggest a free alternative a open source software PSPP. It has a graphical user interface and conventional command-line interface. It is written in C and uses GNU Scientific Library for its mathematical routines. The name PSPP has "no official acronymic expansion". It is just  P for S and S for P .
This software provides a comprehensive set of capabilities which includes:
  • Frequencies,
  • Cross-tabs comparison of means (t-tests and one-way ANOVA);
  • Linear regression,
  • Logistic regression,
  • Reliability tests (Cronbach's alpha, not failure or Weibull),
  • Non-parametric tests,
  • Factor analysis,
  • Cluster analysis,
  • Principal components analysis,
  • Chi-square analysis and more.
Other benefits of using PSPP are it supports 1 billion cases and variables, Syntax and data files which are compatible with those of SPSS, No license fees, No expiration period.
Where to download?
PSPP is offered under GNU general public licence. You can download the software for Linux, Mac and windows form its official website.
If you have any alternative for SPSS leave it in comment section and Subscribe to I'm Sulthan by Email for more interesting updates.Share with your friends.  Thank you. 

28 October 2016

Effective Annual Rate– Explained and usage

10002 EAR
Effective annual rate is an annual rate of interest when compounding occurs more than once in a year. This can be used to compare the annual effective interest among the loans with different nominal interest rates and/or different compounding intervals such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or half yearly. Effective annual rate (EAR), is also called the effective annual interest rate or the annual equivalent rate (AER).

Use of EAR:

Lets say we need to compare loans offered by 2 different Banks.  Bank A, offers you 7.18% interest compounded weekly while Bank B, offers you at a higher rate of 7.24%  but compounds interest quarterly.  Without considering any other fees at this time, Lets find out which is better option.
Bank A - at 7.18% compounded 52 times per year the effective annual rate calculated is 0.0724387 i.e. 7.24%
Bank B - At 7.24% compounded 4 times per year the effective annual rate calculated is 0.074389 i.e.7.24%
So based on nominal interest rate and the compounding per year, the effective rate is essentially the same for both loans. 

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24 October 2016

Difference between Assessment Year and Financial Year

In Tax  filing these two terms are very often used and individuals often confuse between them. Every Financial year and Assessment year starts at 1st April and ends by following year’s 31stMarch. Assessment year comes after Financial year.
What is Financial year?
The year in which you earn an income is termed as financial year.
What is Assessment year?
The year following the Financial year in which the income is evaluated or assessed is termed Assessment year.
Example with recent year:
Financial Year
Assessment Year
1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014
1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015
1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016
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19 October 2016

List of useful R commands

Here I present some simple commands that can be used in R.  Share and Subscribe to Sulthan Academy via Email  for more interesting updates. Share with your friends.  Thank you. You can download the PDF
help() Obtain documentation for a given R command
example() View some examples on the use of a command
c(), scan() Enter data manually to a vector in R
seq() Make arithmetic progression vector
rep() Make vector of repeated values
data() Load (often into a data.frame) built-in dataset
View() View dataset in a spreadsheet-type format
str() Display internal structure of an R object
read.csv(), read.table() Load into a data.frame an existing data file
library(), require() Make available an R add-on package
dim() See dimensions (# of rows/cols) of data.frame
length() Give length of a vector
ls() Lists memory contents
rm() Removes an item from memory
names() Lists names of variables in a data.frame
hist() Command for producing a histogram
histogram() Lattice command for producing a histogram
stem() Make a stem plot
table() List all values of a variable with frequencies
xtabs() Cross-tabulation tables using formulas
mosaicplot() Make a mosaic plot
cut() Groups values of a variable into larger bins
mean(), median() Identify “center” of distribution
by() apply function to a column split by factors
summary() Display 5-number summary and mean
var(), sd() Find variance, sd of values in vector
sum() Add up all values in a vector
quantile() Find the position of a quantile in a dataset
barplot() Produces a bar graph
barchart() Lattice command for producing bar graphs
boxplot() Produces a boxplot
bwplot() Lattice command for producing boxplots
help() Obtain documentation for a given R command
example() View some examples on the use of a command
c(), scan() Enter data manually to a vector in R
seq() Make arithmetic progression vector
rep() Make vector of repeated values
data() Load (often into a data.frame) built-in dataset
View() View dataset in a spreadsheet-type format
str() Display internal structure of an R object
read.csv(), read.table() Load into a data.frame an existing data file
library(), require() Make available an R add-on package
dim() See dimensions (# of rows/cols) of data.frame
length() Give length of a vector
ls() Lists memory contents
rm() Removes an item from memory
names() Lists names of variables in a data.frame
hist() Command for producing a histogram
histogram() Lattice command for producing a histogram
stem() Make a stem plot
table() List all values of a variable with frequencies
xtabs() Cross-tabulation tables using formulas
mosaicplot() Make a mosaic plot
cut() Groups values of a variable into larger bins
mean(), median() Identify “center” of distribution
by() apply function to a column split by factors
summary() Display 5-number summary and mean
var(), sd() Find variance, sd of values in vector
sum() Add up all values in a vector
quantile() Find the position of a quantile in a dataset
barplot() Produces a bar graph
barchart() Lattice command for producing bar graphs
boxplot() Produces a boxplot
bwplot() Lattice command for producing boxplots
plot() Produces a scatterplot
xyplot() Lattice command for producing a scatterplot
lm() Determine the least-squares regression line
anova() Analysis of variance (can use on results of lm())
predict() Obtain predicted values from linear model
nls() estimate parameters of a nonlinear model
residuals() gives (observed - predicted) for a model fit to data
sample() take a sample from a vector of data
replicate() repeat some process a set number of times
cumsum() produce running total of values for input vector
ecdf() builds empirical cumulative distribution function
dbinom(), etc. tools for binomial distributions
dpois(), etc. tools for Poisson distributions
pnorm(), etc. tools for normal distributions
qt(), etc. tools for student t distributions
pchisq(), etc. tools for chi-square distributions
binom.test() hypothesis test and confidence interval for 1 proportion
prop.test() inference for 1 proportion using normal approx.
chisq.test() carries out a chi-square test
fisher.test() Fisher test for contingency table
t.test() student t test for inference on population mean
qqnorm(), qqline() tools for checking normality
addmargins() adds marginal sums to an existing table
prop.table() compute proportions from a contingency table
par() query and edit graphical settings
power.t.test() power calculations for 1- and 2-sample t
anova() compute analysis of variance table for fitted model

12 October 2016

how to Calculate Descriptive statistics using R

In this post I will explain you how to calculate basic descriptive statistics using R. The following R scripts helps to calculate descriptive statistics such as Mean, Median, Mode, Standard deviation, Standard error of the mean,Five-number summary, quartiles, percentiles, skewness and kurtosis.
Packages used are psych and Desctools
##Descriptive statistics using R## (www.iamsulthan.in)
##Packages used psych and Desctools
##Following commands will install the packages only if they are not already installed
#Load your data here
data("trees") ##loads data inbuilt in dataset package of R which includes Girth, Height and Volume for Black Cherry Trees
##structure of the data frame
##Standard deviation
##Standard error of the mean
sd(trees$Height) / sqrt(length(trees$Height))
##Five-number summary, quartiles, percentiles
##skewness and kurtosis
describe(trees$Height,type=3) #there are 3 options available u can see in package documentation for details
You can find the script and download in Github Descriptive Statistics in R. Share and Subscribe to Sulthan Academy via Email  for more interesting updates.

10 October 2016

Top 10 in aviation industry (Airlines, Airport and etc..)

Time is crucial, people are running behind the clock and still couldn’t find the balance in their life. So, only solution is you cant just run, Its time to fly. Yes, airlines or aviation industry is in its peak. There is a tremendous increase in flight travellers. Let it be a domestic or a foreign trip, from ATR 72 to Airbus A380. Each and every fleet over the sky is busy flying with full packed crowd. Today in this post I bring you, List of Top and Best Airlines, Airports, Lounge and etc.., Share and Subscribe to Sulthan Academy via Email for more interesting updates. Let’s begin.

Top ten airlines of 2016

  1. Emirates
  2. Qatar Airways
  3. Singapore Airlines
  4. Cathay Pacific
  5. ANA All Nippon Airways
  6. Etihad Airways
  7. Turkish Airlines
  8. EVA Air
  9. Qantas Airways
  10. Lufthansa

World's Most Improved Airlines

  1. Thai Airways
  2. Aer Lingus
  3. Vietnam Airlines
  4. Iberia
  5. Ryanair
  6. Hainan Airlines
  7. Alitalia
  8. Hawaiian Airlines
  9. Ethiopian Airlines
  10. China Airlines

Top 10 First Class Airline Lounges : 2016

  1. Cathay Pacific : Hong Kong
  2. Lufthansa : Frankfurt
  3. Qatar Airways : Doha
  4. Air France : Paris CDG
  5. Swiss : Zurich
  6. Emirates : Dubai
  7. Singapore Airlines : Singapore
  8. Thai Airways : Bangkok
  9. ANA All Nippon Airways : Tokyo Haneda
  10. EVA Air : Taipei

Top 10 Business Class Airline Lounges : 2016

  1. Qatar Airways : Doha HIA
  2. Turkish Airlines : Istanbul
  3. Cathay Pacific : Hong Kong
  4. Virgin Atlantic : London Heathrow
  5. Singapore Airlines : Singapore
  6. Qantas Airways : Sydney
  7. Etihad Airways : Abu Dhabi
  8. Emirates : Dubai
  9. Swiss : Zurich
  10. EVA Air : Taipei

Top 10 First Class Airline Lounge Dining Experience

  1. Air France : Paris CDG
  2. Lufthansa : Frankfurt
  3. Qantas Airways : Sydney
  4. Cathay Pacific : Hong Kong
  5. Qatar Airways : Doha
  6. Emirates : Dubai
  7. Singapore Airlines : Singapore
  8. Etihad Airways : Abu Dhabi
  9. British Airways : London Heathrow
  10. Thai Airways : Bangkok

Top 10 Business Class Airline Lounge Dining Experience

  1. Turkish Airlines : Istanbul
  2. Qatar Airways : Doha
  3. Austrian : Vienna
  4. Etihad Airways : Abu Dhabi
  5. Garuda Indonesia : Jakarta
  6. Hainan Airlines : Beijing T1
  7. Qantas Airways : Sydney
  8. ANA All Nippon Airways : Sydney
  9. Singapore Airlines : Singapore
  10. Emirates : Dubai

Cleanest Airline Cabins : 2016

  1. Cathay Pacific
  2. EVA Air
  3. ANA All Nippon Airways
  4. Japan Airlines
  5. Hainan Airlines
  6. Korean Air
  7. Singapore Airlines
  8. Asiana Airlines
  9. Garuda Indonesia
  10. Qatar Airways

Cleanest Airports : 2016

  1. Tokyo Haneda
  2. Centrair Nagoya
  3. Seoul Incheon
  4. Singapore Changi
  5. Tokyo Narita
  6. Zurich
  7. Kansai
  8. Munich
  9. Hong Kong
  10. Taiwan Taoyuan

Best Economy Class Airline Seats in 2016

  1. Asiana Airlines
  2. Japan Airlines
  3. Korean Air
  4. Singapore Airlines
  5. Thai Airways
  6. Qatar Airways
  7. ANA All Nippon Airways
  8. Etihad Airways
  9. Garuda Indonesia
  10. EVA Air
Source: Skytrax
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09 October 2016

World's largest passenger airplane - A380

Airbus’ 21st century flagship A380 is a double-deck, wide-body, four-engine jet airliner manufactured by European Union manufacturer Airbus.It is the world's largest passenger airliner. The plane is so big so the airports at which it operates have upgraded facilities to accommodate it. A380-800's cabin is 550 square metres (5,920 sq ft) of usable floor space, this is 40% more than the next largest airliner, the Boeing 747-8, and provides seating for 525 people in a typical three-class configuration or up to 853 people in an all-economy class configuration.
FYI: The Boeing's 747-8 is the longest passenger aircraft in the world

Who affords it?

As of September 2016, Airbus had received 319 orders and delivered 195 aircraft. Emirates is the biggest A380 customer with 142 ordered of which 83 have been delivered. Thai Airways International, British Airways, Qantas, Asiana Airlines, Qatar Airways, Etihad Airways and Air France are other operators.

Components and Suppliers

  • A380 components are provided by suppliers from around the world. the four largest contributors, by value, are Rolls-Royce, Safran, United Technologies and General Electric.
  • The front and rear fuselage sections are shipped on one of three RORO ships from Hamburg in northern Germany to the United Kingdom.
  • The wings are manufactured at Broughton in North Wales, then transported by barge to Mostyn docks for ship transport.
  • The belly and tail sections are manufactured in Cádiz in southern Spain.
The shortest regular commercial route that the A380 flies is from Dubai International Airport to Kuwait International Airport (861 km or 535 miles great circle distance) with Emirates,although Air France briefly operated the A380 on the much shorter Paris-Charles de Gaulle to London-Heathrow route (344 km or 214 miles) in mid-2010. The longest A380 route and the second longest non-stop commercial flight in the world is Qantas' service from Sydney International Airport to Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport at 13,804 kilometres (8,577 mi). After the introduction of A380 and Boeing's 787 variants. The aviation industry is having a boom. If you are unclear about Cabin and Check in baggage read my post What is Cabin and Check-in baggage?.
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07 October 2016

Book of Duas (Supplications)–Free PDF

Hello my readers, here I share a fantastic book that contains 101 duas/ supplications in english Translation and Transliteration. So, People who couldn't read Arabic can still get benefited with this book. Download the pdf. Share and Subscribe to Sulthan Academy via Email  for more interesting updates. Share with your friends.  Thank you. You can download the PDF
Dua No. 1 Dua while using Khaak-e-Shifa
Dua No. 2 While Eating Khaak-e-Shifa
Dua No. 3 While Building New House
Dua No. 4 While Leaving House For Special Work/Object/Purpose
Dua No. 5 While salvation of worldly and spiritual tasks at the time of leaving house
Dua No. 6 At the time of wearing Jewels
Dua No. 7 Whenever one sits in gathering
Dua No. 8 While on hill or on great height
Dua No. 9 For avoiding bad omens for traveller
Dua No. 10: Before starting journey
Dua No. 11 For talisman to be keep by traveller
Dua No. 12 For a traveller’s family
Dua No. 13 When anyone loses way
Dua No. 14 At the time of visiting a dangerous place
Dua No. 15 At the time of arrival in new place
Dua No. 16 For safety from robbers
Dua No 17 Dua and prayer at the time of storm in the sea
Dua No. 18 For safety from drowning
Dua No. 19 Dua after every prayer
Dua No. 20 An excellent invocation Dua after Morning Prayer
Dua No. 21: Dua after Zohar Prayers
Dua No. 22 Dua after Asr Prayer
Dua No. 23 Dua after Maghrib Prayer
Dua No. 24 Dua after Isha Prayer
Dua No. 25 For preservation of faith
Dua No. 26 For true belief for one’s family
Dua No. 27 For offering thanks for the bounties bestowed by Allah
Dua No. 28 For limitless heavenly reward
Dua No. 29 Dua for reward of paradise
Dua No. 30 For Here After
Dua No. 31 Dua for all Night Ibadat
Dua No. 32 For Sawab of whole Night Ibadat
Dua No. 33 For seeking forgiveness of sins (Dua in Sajdah)
Dua No. 34 For great sawab and protection from major sins
Dua No. 35 For Sawab, Forgiveness, Protection from Great Sins and Sawab for reciting 12 Qurans
Dua No. 36 For protection from Hell
Dua No. 37 For safety from enemy
Dua No. 38 For protection of self and wealth
Dua No. 39 For recovery of misplaced or lost thing
Dua No. 40 For Scorpion Bite
Dua No. 41 For release from Prison
Dua No. 42: For avoiding bad thoughts and temptation
Dua No. 43 Dua for avoiding temptation & greed
Dua No. 44 Dua for avoiding bad dreams
Dua No. 45 Dua for not getting afraid in sleep
Dua No. 46 For marriage proposal
Dua No. 47 For love (Wife & Husband)
Dua No. 48 For love (Wife & Husband)
Dua No. 49 For love (Wife & Husband)
Dua No. 50 For Obedience
Dua No. 51 For getting a child
Dua No. 52 For Getting A Child
Dua No. 53 For getting a child
Dua No. 54 For easy and safe delivery of child
Dua No. 55 For avoiding early deaths of children
Dua No. 56 Dua for Aqiqa of child
Dua No. 57 At the time of Circumcision
Dua No. 58 For increase of breast milk
Dua No. 59 For wealth & prosperity
Dua No. 60 For wealth & prosperity
Dua No. 61 For increase in Sustenance
Dua No. 62 For increase of Sustenance
Dua No. 63 For Disbursement of Debts
Dua No. 64: For removal of Poverty and Worries
Dua No. 65 For removing Worries
Dua No. 66 For Warding off Calamities
Dua No. 67 Dua for safeguard from Drowning / Burning
Dua No. 68 Do after every prayer
Dua No. 69 Dua and prayers for getting a child
Dua No. 70 Dua for getting a child
Dua No. 71 Dua for getting a child
Dua No. 72 Dua for Safety of Pregnancy
Dua No. 73 Dua for safety of pregnancy and Avoiding Abortion
Dua No. 74 Dua for easy delivery of child
Dua No. 75 Dua for easy Teeming
Dua No. 76 Dua for cure of the child eating dust
Dua No. 77 Dua for excessive weeping child
Dua No. 78 Dua for increase in Sustenance
Dua No. 79 Dua for Increasing Memory
Dua No. 80 Dua for Learning Quran by Heart
Dua No. 81 Dua for Banishing the Effect of Black Magic
Dua No. 82 Dua for Protection from Satan and Enchantment
Dua No. 83 Dua for Repelling Devil and Dispelling Magic
Dua No. 84 Dua for security against Witch Craft
Dua No. 85: Dua for cure of all Diseases
Dua No. 86: Dua for all diseases and for all purposes
Dua No. 87 Dua for Cure from All Diseases
Dua No. 88 (A): Dua for Increase in Business
Dua No. 88 (B) Dua for Increase in Business
Dua No. 89 Dua to be recited at the time of going to market
Dua No. 90 Dua to be recited when one sets in his shop
Dua No. 91 Dua at the Time of Purchase
Dua No.92 Dua at the time of purchase
Dua No. 93 Dua for the safety of the store
Dua No. 94 Dua for all purposes
Dua No. 95 Dua Moosa Kazim (a.s.) Dua for all purposes
Dua No. 96: For all purposes
Dua No. 97 For saving from Squeeze of Grave
Dua No. 98 To be recited at the Time of Death
Dua No. 99 To be recited at the Time of Death
Dua No. 100: To be recited by 40 momins at death body of momin
Dua No. 101: While Entering the Graveyard
Dua No. 102 Talabil Hawaa-ej
Dua No. 103 Imam-e-Zamana (a.j.)

04 October 2016

Aadhar card is not a proof of citizenship !!!

It is a common misconception among Indians that Aadhar Card is considered as a proof of citizenship. In Chapter-3, Clause-9 “The Aadhaar number or the authentication thereof shall not, by itself, confer any right of, or be proof of, citizenship or domicile in respect of an Aadhaar number holder.” This clearly explains Aadhaar is not a proof of citizenship or domicile.

What about Citizenship?
Under citizenship laws, a person is an Indian by birth if he/she is born in India on or after January 26, 1950, but before July 1, 1987, so in that case, only your birth certificate should suffice as Indian Citizenship proof. If a person is born after July 1987, he or she can claim citizenship if either of the parents is a citizen of India. So in this case, own birth certificate along with one your parents birth certificate may suffice as Indian Citizenship proof. For all born in India on or after December 3, 2004, they can claim citizenship by birth only if both parents are Indians, or if at least one of the parents is an Indian citizen and the other is not an illegal immigrant at the time of birth in India. So along with one's birth certificate, both parents citizenship proofs would be required which shall be again subjected to above conditions.
Source: Daily mail
Documents such as Vote Id Card and Passport may be considered citizenship proof with the birth certificate as per above-mentioned cases. A Driving License, Caste certificate, Ration Card is no valid proof of citizenship.
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03 October 2016

What is BNA ?


BNAs are new generation, secure ATMs that have the multi functional  ability to offer deposits or dispense transactions of bundles notes up  to 200 mixed notes after having counted and authenticated them in 8-10  seconds.The customer is first asked  to verify the amount of deposit to ensure that it tallies and then it is  credited into his/her account immediately. It completely takes away  human intervention required until now  and enables users to manage and  control the same.

BNA are nothing but Cash deposit machines

The initial attempt at  automating Deposits included certain types ATMs which allowed users to  deposit cash via envelopes. The money would then be counted, verified  and credited later. This never really gave customers a sense of security  regarding their deposit. The potential impact of BNAs on currency  circulation and customer service was seen as significant for the RBI to  subsidize the cost of BNAs up to 50 per cent for urban areas (and even  75 per cent in semi urban areas).

BNA / Cash deposit machine locators for Indian banks:

Axis Bank deposit machine locator

Bank of Baroda deposit machine locator

Dena Bank deposit machine locator

Federal Bank deposit machine locator

ICICI Bank deposit machine locator

IDBI Cash deposit machine locator

Indian Bank deposit machine locator

IndusInd Bank deposit machine locator

Kotak Mahindra Bank deposit machine locator

Punjab National Bank deposit machine locator

State Bank of India deposit machine locator

Yes Bank deposit machine locator