21 April 2018

Role of SEBI in the Development of Capital Markets

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the regulator for the securities market in India. It was established in 1988 and given statutory powers on 30th January 1992 through the SEBI Act, 1992. The headquarters is located at Bandra Kurla Complex in Mumbai, and has Northern, Eastern, Southern and Western Regional Offices in New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Ahmadabad respectively. The following are the roles of SEBI:

SEBI and Investor Protection

SEBI has taken various steps to strengthen investor confidence and interest in the Secondary Market. This includes rationalisation and refinement of margin system such as mark to market margin, volatility margin etc.

SEBI and the Primary Market

SEBI has issued guidelines for all companies for disclosure of information and protection of investor’s interest. It is no longer necessary for companies to obtain prior permission for raising of capital from the market. For issues above Rs.100 Crore book building requirement has been introduced. Bankers to the Issue and portfolio managers have to be registered with SEBI.

SEBI and the Secondary Market

  1. The governing bodies of Stock Exchange have been recognised, restructured and broad-based.
  2. SEBI has drawn up a comprehensive plan of inspecting all Stock Exchanges to determine the extent of compliance with SEBI guidelines.
  3. Computerised screen based trading has been introduced on all major stock exchanges.
  4. All Stock Exchanges (SEs) have been directed to set up a clearing house or cleaning corporation. SEBI has accepted the Dave Committee recommendations on improving the working of OTCEI.
  5. The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) has been asked to reduce trading period from 14 days to 7 days for B group shares. The BSE has been allowed to introduce a revised Carry Forward System.
  6. Brokers, sub-brokers have been brought under the regulatory framework of SEBI.
  7. Penal action is taken by SEBI against any member for violation of SEBI Act.
  8. Registers to Issues and Share Transfer Agents have been brought under SEBI.
  9. Merchant Banking activity has been statutory brought under SEBI.
  10. SEBI has issued guidelines pertaining to buy-back of shares.

SEBI and Mutual Funds

All Mutual Funds have to be registered with the SEBI. UTI (Unit Trust of India) has also been brought under SEBI. SEBI has issued guidelines to provide for portfolio disclosure, standardisation of accounting policies, valuation norms for determining net asset value and pricing.

03 April 2018

Questionnaire for Service Quality of Hospitals – Download

Following questionnaire was proposed by Asghar Zarei et al. in 2012 on their study “Service quality of private hospitals: The Iranian Patients’ perspective”. Authors derived the questionnaire from famous SERQUAL Questionnaire of Parasuraman et al.
The questionnaire composed of 2 parts:
The first part includes 8 questions relating to the socio-demographic data of the patient.
The second part includes three dimensions of the service quality as follows:

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Questionnaire for Service Quality of Hospitals

Socio-demographic Variables

Gender:          Male               Female
Age:               ≤ 30                 31-40               41-50               51-60               ≥ 61
Education level:         Illiterate          Primary and secondary school             Academic Degree
Residence:      Urban                         Rural
Hospital ward:           Internal            Surgery            Obstetrics and Gynaecology               Other
Health condition:                   Excellent         Good               Average           Bad

Service Quality Dimensions and items

Service Quality Dimensions and itemsStrongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
1. Sincere interest of personnel in solving patients’ problems
2. Carrying out of the services right at the first time
3. Providing services at appointed time
4. Error-free and fast retrieval of documents
5. Telling when services will be performed
6. Prompt performance of medical and non-medical services
7. Willingness of personnel to help patients
8. Attending of personnel whenever called
9. Instilling confidence in patients
10. Feeling safety and security in interaction with personnel
11. Polite and friendly dealing of personnel with patients
12. Knowledgeable personnel to answer patients’ questions
13. Individual attention to patients
14. Availability of 24-hour services
15. Attention to the patient’s beliefs and emotions
16. Having patients’ best interest at heart
17. Understanding specific needs of patients
18. Neat and well-dressed personnel
19. Clean and comfortable environment of the hospital
20. Modern and up-to-date equipment
21. Visually appeal of physical facilities
Zarei, A., Arab, M., Froushani, A. R., Rashidian, A., & Tabatabaei, S. M. G. (2012). Service quality of private hospitals: The Iranian Patients’ perspective. BMC health services research12(1), 31.