28 July 2017

Who are the participants in Stock market?

economy-2245097_640-001Anyone who transacts i.e. Trade or Invests in the stock market is called a Market Participant. The stock market attracts individuals and institutions from diverse backgrounds.  The market participant can be classified into various categories. Some of the categories of market participants are as follows:
  1. Domestic Retail Participants – These are people like you and me Buying and Selling, Trading and Investing in Share Market.
  2. NRI’s, PIO and OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) – These are people of Indian origin but based outside India.
  3. Domestic Institutions – These are large corporate entities based in India. A perfect example would be the LIC of India.
  4. Domestic Asset Management Companies (AMC) – Typical participants in this category would be the mutual fund companies such as SBI Mutual Funds, Canara Robeco Mutual Fund, HDFC AMC,  etc.
  5. Foreign Institutional Investors – These are Non-Indian corporate entities. These could be foreign asset management companies, hedge funds, and other investors. These could be an institution or even a Government. For example: Government of Singapore, Franklin Templeton Investment Funds.

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19 July 2017

What is OHLC? Understanding Open High Low and closing price of a share | Sulthan Academy

What is OHLC? Understanding Open High Low and closing price of a share | Sulthan Academy
In this Post I will explain you about Open, high, low and closing price of a share. So this is just a basic terms that u need to understand while looking for technical analysis of a stock and to understand different types of chart.
You know in India Market opens at 9:15 AM and closes at 15:30 PM during which there were many trades. It will be practically impossible to track all these different price points. So the fact is one needs a summary of the trading action and not really the details on all the different price points.
By tracking the Open, high, low and close we can draw a summary of the price action and how the stock is perfuming.
O - The open is when the markets open for trading, the first price at which a trade executes is called the opening Price.
H - The high represents the highest price at which the stock was traded on the given day.
L – The low represents the lowest level at which the stock was traded on the given day.
C - The close represents the closing price  and it is the most important price because it is the final price at which the market closed for a particular period of time. The close serves as an indicator for the intraday strength. If the close is higher than the open, then it is considered a positive day else it is a negative day for the particular share.  The closing price also shows the market sentiment and serves as a reference point for the next day’s trading. For these reasons, closing price is more important than the Open, High or Low prices.
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12 July 2017

What Is A Cancelled Cheque? Its uses and Sample

Sample Cancelled cheque - Sulthan Acadmy
A cancelled cheque simply refers to any cheque that has strike marks on it with the words ‘CANCELLED’ written across. A cancelled cheque is considered to be proof that you actually hold an account with the bank. A cancelled cheque is required in many cases such as Opening a Demat account, withdrawal of EPF funds, setting an Electronic Clearance Service from the account. Next, let me illustrate you how to make a Cancelled Cheque.
Making a Cancelled Cheque

1. To cancel a cheque leaf, all you need to do is draw two parallel lines across the cheque and write ‘CANCELLED’ in between the two lines. (like in the sample above)
2. A cancelled cheque doesn’t require your signature or Date.
A cancelled cheque provides information such as account number, account holder’s name, MICR code, IFSC code, name and branch of the bank. Even though no one can withdraw money from your account using a cancelled cheque, fraudulent activities using a cancelled cheque have happened in the past. So be very careful when you issue a cancelled cheque and make sure that the person you are handing it is trustworthy.
Subscribe to Sulthan Academy, Share with your friends and family. mention why you issued a Cancelled cheque in the comment section. so, readers know better how its used in various situations.